Friday, May 20, 2011

Blessed heart...

I was sitting there thinking,
Who was it,
Who said it? Camus? Wilde?
"blessed are the hearts that bend, for they do not break."
And there I was
Sitting there, melting
Like one of Dahli's clocks
Falling over the sides of that seat
Repressing memories into a box too full
Yanking them out of a heart too fool
Shuddering, melting, wanting to bend so far I could slither away
So one day they'd tell the story of a girl
Who could bend so much,
Whose heart could burn so much
That she melted down into puddles of rain
Where the ducks and dragonflies swam
And she never had to feel pain
She had such a blessed heart
Such a cursed heart
Because it never broke
Sitting there, clutching my dammed heart
Melting over the sides
Turning my body into rain
I cursed, I cursed and cursed some more
Because I thought it would never break
I filled it with your words, and your stories of time and space
and the idea that
there was such a thing as desitny...
And that time and space existed infinitely in such a small, dense organ
And that destiny
Was real.
My head was finally on the floor
And my eyes were staring at the sky
I laughed, because I thought about one of your stories
Nebulas and infinite planets, all waiting
So I let go of my foolish heart
And let it burst
I know you'll whisper your stories of nebulas and stars to ears
who will stare at you in awe
Because how could it be that you
Could fill her heart.
I'l whisper my story to the passing ducks and dragonflies:
Blessed are the hearts that burn
Ignite the memories seared into our souls.
Foolish stories of foolish hearts of foolish girls.
Shuddering. Broken.

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